Paddling the Boundary Waters Blue

This week we have five paddling trips spanning from the end of the Gunflint Trail all the way to the Tofte, MN area off the north shore of Lake Superior. Some groups are in search of the biggest fish while others are looking for rocks to climb and horizons to chase.

The first trip left on Monday and the fifth trip left this morning (Wednesday). Everybody will return on Friday afternoon to share their tales from the trails but we won’t leave you hanging that long! Keep reading to discover which adventures our Birchwood boys have set out for this week.

Saganaga Expedition – 5-Day Trip

This trip is led by Birchwood counselors, Frizzle (back left) and Hemi (back row, center, flexing).

These ambitious outdoorsmen are headed into the mighty Lake Saganaga right from our docks with the wind at their back! They plan to spend their first-night close to Cache Bay and paddle into Knife Lake on day two. From there, they will drop into a few lakes we haven’t explored much! They’ll go through many small lakes and portages that will loop them down to Seagull Lake and back to camp on Friday afternoon. We can’t wait to hear all about it when they return!

Follow them on their adventure: (Birchwood 1)

Sawbill to Cross River – 4-Day Trip

This trip is led by counselors Puddin’ (left) and Mac (right).

This group was dropped off just off the north shore of Lake Superior on Sawbill Lake. They’ll spend four days paddling through some of the most beautiful old growth forests in the Boundary Waters until they reach the Cross River. They’ll travel through lots of shallow lakes, primed for wildlife sightings, and get to cross the laurentian divide.

Follow them on their adventure here:  (Birchwood 7)

Missing Link Through-Paddle – 4-Day Trip

This trip is led by counselors Dragon (back left) and Lobo (right) with Senior Leadership Camper, Malachi (back, center).

This trip is embarking on an adventure into Missing Link Lake and the lakes beyond! They’ve got a monster of a portage on the first day (which they crushed) and they’ve got a grand adventure mapped out. Instead of getting a pickup on Friday, they’re planning to paddle all the way back to camp. Their route totals a whopping 37 miles of paddling and portaging.

Follow them on their adventure here:  (Birchwood 2)

Granite River Paddle – 3-Day Trip

This group is guided by Frosty (back right) and Ghost (back, second from right) with Senior Leadership Campers, Vail (back left) and Rami (front left).

These young men are in for an extra special trip that Birchwood has loved since 1968 – the Granite River Trip! This is a route along the US/Canadian border from Gunflint Lake into Lake Saganaga and back up the Seagull River to Birchwood. They will get to see some beautiful waterfalls and paddle narrow rivers followed by big open lakes!

Follow them on their journey here: (Birchwood 4)

Seagull Lake Climbing – 3-Day Trip

This group is guided by our counselors, Nairo (back left) and Hercules (back right) with Senior Leadership Camper, Maddox (back row, second from right).

A classic Birchwood trip, these paddlers will get to experience the big and beautiful Seagull Lake! They’ll get to experience a little bit of a lot – like rock climbing, fishing, paddling, star gazing, and base camping. This is the perfect BWCA sampler trip!

Follow them on their journey here: (Birchwood 5)

As our campers set their sights on adventure, let us wish them calm waters and clear trails! May the path of the paddle and the way of the trail lead them to self-discovery and shared purpose! In every walk or paddle with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

Happy Trails,

Ashley, Director

  1. Wingrove says:

    Happy trails,

    Keep on EXPLORING!!!

  2. Elizabeth Porter says:

    Love this and these updates ! Thank you so much for sharing – it all looks so beautiful !

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12586 Gunflint Trail, Slip 85, Grand Marais, MN 55604 | (218) 256-7164